- Importer Identification Number (API)

Importer Identification Number (API)

  • Administrator
  • Selasa, 11 Juni 2019 | 17:00 WIB
  Illustration. Photo: Shutterstock

Importer Identification Number (API) is an identification for an importer. Therefore, only an individual or an enterprise that has API can engage in import activities.

    It is regulated in the Regulation of the Trade Minister Number 70/M-DAG/PER/9/2015 of 2015 concerning Importer Identification Number (Permendag 70/2015).

    API consists of:

    A. General API (API-U)

    API-U is only given to companies that import specific goods for general trading purposes. API-U is the identification import number for importer companies with its imported materials are included in the general category.

    1. API-U requirements
    2. Copy of deed of establishment and copy of deed of amendment.
    3. Copy of the Decision Letter of the Law and Human Rights Ministry on the deed of establishment and Decision Letter on deed of amendment.
    4. Copy of the company’s valid domicile certificate.
    5. Copy of the Company’s Tax ID (NPWP).
    6. Copy of the Business Permit (SIUP).
    7. Copy of the Company Registration Number (TDP).
    8. Copy of All Shareholders’ ID card (KTP) and copy of President Director’s Tax ID (NPWP).
    9. Reference from Foreign Exchange Bank.
    10. 4 passport-sized photos of signatory (3x4) with red background.

    B. Producer API (API-P)

    API-P is the importer identification number for factories/producers that import production machines of the company. API-P is only given to companies that only import goods to be utilized for their own purposes such as capital goods, raw materials, supporting materials, and/or materials to support production process. The imported goods are prohibited to be sold or transferred to other parties.

    If the imported goods are goods which are granted import facility of import duty exemption and which have been used by the import company for at least 2 (two) years since import customs and excises declaration, the imported goods may be traded or transferred to other parties.

    API-P requirements:

    1. Copy of deed of establishment and copy of deed of amendment.
    2. Copy of the Decision Letter of the Law and Human Rights Ministry on the deed of establishment and Decision Letter on deed of amendment.
    3. Copy of the company’s valid domicile certificate.
    4. Copy of the Company’s Tax ID (NPWP).
    5. Copy of the Business Permit (SIUP).
    6. Copy of the Company Registration Number (TDP).
    7. Copy of All Shareholders’ ID card (KTP) and copy of President Director’s Tax ID (NPWP).
    8. 4 passport-sized photos of signatory (3x4) with red background.

    Requirements and procedure to obtain API

    • Application letter that include declaration on the authenticity and validity of documents & data over Rp6,000 duty-stamped paper (example of letter format can be downloaded).
    • Identity of Signatory/Applicant:

    Indonesian citizen (WNI): Signatory’s copy of ID card (KTP) and copy of Tax ID (NPWP); Foreign citizen (WNA): valid expatriate work permit (IMTA) and Passport.

    • If it uses power of attorney, it must be signed over Rp6,000 duty stamp and it must include ID cards of the principal and agent.
    • If it is a Legal Entity/Enterprise: NPWP of Legal Entity/Enterprise, deed of establishment and deed of amendment (Head Office and Branch Office, if any), Decision Letter of establishment and amendment ratification which is issued by: Law and Human Rights Ministry, if it is a limited liability company (PT) and Foundation; Ministry, if it is a Cooperative; District Court, if it is a CV (Limited Partnership)
    • Industrial Business Permit (IUI), if applying for API-P (Producer).
    • The Company’s Domicile Certificate.
    • Business Permit (SIUP) and Company Registration Number (TDP).
    • Reference from Foreign Exchange Bank, if applying for General Importer Identification Number (API-U) (Original)
    • Evidence of Ownership of the Establishment (Copy of the Certificate).
    • For leased land or building: Land/building lease agreement, statement letter over Rp6,000 duty stamp from land or building owner declaring that there is no objection for the land or building to be used, ID card of land/building owner.
    • 2 passport-sized photos of signatory (3x4) with red background.
    • Previous (Original) Importer Identification Number (API) >> for API change or extension.
    • Power of attorney from the board of directors if the signing of import document is not performed by the board of directors.
    • The company’s photo (Signboard, Front Look, Inside Look).
    • API U or API P application form signed by a Director over a duty stamp as well as the company’s stamp.
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